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Jouke van der Maas
Progressbar border
Published on January 28, 2008 By
It may be a stupid question, but i'm new to skinning and just came across this little problem..
As you can see in this image, the 'chunks' are painted directly on the border. Is there any way I can change this in skinstudio 6?
Thank you
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on Jan 30, 2008
Can you post the actual image(s) being used for the progress bar? That may help. May be a simple matter of adding a 1-2px border of magic pink to the left side of the bar image. I don't believe there are settings in SkinStudio that will fix this - the image needs to be modified most likely.
on Jan 31, 2008
I have tried that, and then played with some margins in skinstudio, so the preview looked right.. but when applied, it has white gasps in it. No way i could fix that
Here's the image:
Top - 6
Bottom - 5
Left - 0
Right - 0
Extra settings:
Gap between progressbar chunks - 0
Size of progressbar chunks - 1
Hope you can help me now
on Feb 01, 2008
Since you're using zero gap, why use the chunk images at all? I'd just use the standard progress bar (which is what I usually do anyway) - the bar portion of that image can use magic pink to avoid the overlap you are seeing. You can just delete the chunk images. Although I don't know how often the chunked progress bar is used in Vista, it is uncommon on XP in my experience and the standard progress bar gets used if no chunked image is defined.
on Feb 01, 2008
I don't understand a thing of what you say
What's the difference between chunk images and the standard progressbar and where do I change this? I believe the standard progressbar is chunked in XP.. or am I missing something?
I'm sorry if you think I'm a big fool, but I can't help it
on Feb 01, 2008
Hi..first what you need to do is to make these pieces if you are not satisifed with the ones you have got. When I make them these are the sizes and pieces I make...
ProgressBar -106x16
ProgressBarXP Horizantal -127x18
ProgressBarXPVert- 16x55
ProgressChunk Horizantal 53x16
ProgressChunk Vert 14x50
Horizantal flashing
All are bitmaps except for your horizontal flashing which is a tga
Once you have them all you do is open up SkinStudio. Seeing I am more familiar with SkinStudio 5 I will tell you exactly how they should be loaded...you open SkinStuio, go to Animations, in the left columns you will see your Progess Bar, etc. There should be loaded in this manner..
1. one should be is your progress bar horizontal
2. your horizontal flashing
3. ProgressBarXPVert
4. Your XP bar vertical flashing is left empty
5. Then comes your XP Chunk Horizontal
6. Then comes your XP Chunk Vertical
If these are all loaded correctly you should have no problem....
on Feb 02, 2008
I will try this. Thank you
on Feb 11, 2008
- On SkinsStudio 6, go to Tools > Preferences >> in the "Interface" tab check the option "Show the code editor tab (SKS Pro only)", click Apply.
- now go to the progress bar section Edit Controls > Edit Progressbar controls >> Border, go to the "Code editor" tab and make sure you have this lines with this values:
Now try making you "Border" graphic and your "Block" graphic with the same size and add transparency to your block graphic like 1 pixel around, this will fit the chunk in that background leaving only the background stroke showing around the chunk.
PS: you can make your progressbar graphics in any size you want, the way you set the margins that will control how the image stretch/tile, I make my blocks at 15x45 pixels and variate the width depending of the design (Vista default height for most common progressbars (copy, move, delete, etc dialogs) is 15 pixels).
I.R. Brainiac
on Feb 11, 2008
Like Dani said...the main point is you need a little blank space around your bar graphic.(so it wont sit directly on the edge of the background)
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